ban the burka in Britain

233 Signatures | Sign Now

Created July 18, 2010 by rawlings


This is for the people who are calling for David Cameron to ban the burka in Britain, it is a matter of safety , lots of people feel intimidated by seeing people wearing the burka in public and want it banned, Muslims say it's for religious purposes they wear it in public well I know for a fact that is not true, my brother is married to a Turkish Muslim woman who says that they have to where it when they go into a mosque but when they come out they have to take it off, another safety aspect of it is that anybody could be under that and commit crimes, and another thing in this day in each of having security cameras placed everywhere if a camera picks up someone wearing the burka hurting someone how the hell will the police be able to identify the person it is absolutely ridiculous, and that's why people are afraid and want it banned so I say to David Cameron show a little backbone and do your duty and ban it

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