Make The Sex Offenders Register a Public Document

68 Signatures | Sign Now

Created May 12, 2010 by charlene

Human Rights

As parents we want the right to be able to view the sex offender register for our area, were not asking for press releases were asking for the right to know about all perpetrators residing or working in our areas. With respect, as a victim of a serial paedophile, and as now a mother, i feel that if we could make our own informed choices about where we live and who we allow to live around our children it would’nt feel so much like they are forced upon us…. The prime minister would not like a convicted terrorist living near his house would he?! I also feel like that the fact such offenders are so well “protected” is rather insulting is it not their future victims who deserve the protection? Reputation is what you make it yourself and public hostility only serves as a consequence of the crime the offender committed.

There are currently 68 signatures for this petition: