Open Up The Doncaster Live 2014 Site

0 Signatures | Petition Ended

Created July 25, 2014 by Gill Handley


The proposed audience area for doncaster live 2014 is even smaller than ever. This year, the intention is to completely enclose the area with fencing, cutting off all the local bars, restaurants and shops, and reducing the entry points to two. Local businesses overlooking the site will no longer be a part of this free ‘community’ festival and freedom of choice will be removed from members of the public. If you wish to eat or drink you will need to purchase within the boundaries, paying whatever price the vendors choose. If you are a regular festival goer you will know how crowded it gets – be ready for even worse this year. Come on people, this isn’t glastonbury! Take down the fences, open it up and let everyone in to have a good time. We, the undersigned, agree that the proposed fenced area at doncaster live 2014 restricts social inclusion, damages local businesses,is unnecessary and unsafe and will ruin a good party. We urge the organiser heather brown, doncaster metropolitan borough council and south yorkshire police , to reorganise the fencing; in particular the section which isolates local businesses and the wool market.

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