Keep Clear Sign For Ark John Keats Academy

1 Signature | Sign Now

Created January 10, 2018 by Nur Noor


Bell lane road near ark john keats academy has become a dangerous road for the community to use during school rush hour (8am-8. 30am and 3. 30pm-4pm). This is due to cars parked illegally or stopped at double yellow lines to drop off their kids. Then the children crossed the road in between the parked cars hoping any moving vehicle will let them pass through. This problem has caused many unrecorded near miss incident and unfortunately in 2017 a child was hit by a car in front of ark john keats academy. This ongoing problem needs to be address immediately. The enfield council needs to create a ‘keep clear’ marking in front of the ark john keats academy entrance near the bus stop in order to stop parents from parking or stopping their car dangerously and illegally. Parents need to be encouraged to park a little further away from school and walk. There are many legal parking available along bell lane. Please don’t jeopardise people’s life just for the sake of not wanting to park further away from school. Help to keep the children safe during school run by signing this petition. Thank you.

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