Supermarket Persecution Liverpool City Council Judicial Review Investigation Petition

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Created October 25, 2010 by william


Neighbouring residents to the Asda superstore in Utting Avenue Liverpool L4 are persecuted 24/7 by the stores activities which create 'horrendous' noise and other pollution such as huge floodlights shining into peoples homes at night and invasion of privacy Residents have no peace and quiet in their homes. \r\n \r\nDespite submitting undeniable evidence to Liverpool City Council that Asda breach planning conditions and unload and load vehicles outside of the permitted hours Liverpool City Council take no enforcement action and allowed a planning enforcement officer to 'invent' a theory in an attempt to annul a very important planning condition although the 'invented' theory is neither factually correct nor legally sound Liverpool City Council will not pay for a Judicial Review regarding this matter and we Residents feel we are being treated unfairly and being discriminated against because we are neighbours to a powerful multi-billion pound company and we are being bullied and driven from our homes.\r\n \r\nResidents also want Asda to show consideration for Residents 'amenity' and erect acoustic barriers and stay within the restrictions of the planning agreement to allow Residents to live 'normal' lives next to this store. \r\n \r\nResidents want Liverpool City Council to hold an independent investigation into 'all' matters surrounding this Asda store but most importantly into the 'missing' planning conditions that reduced the delivery hours to this store.\r\n \r\nResidents have suffered years of persecution at the hands of this store and we want this to end although we do not want the store closed we just want peace and quiet in our homes. \r\n

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