The University Of Lincoln Is Complicit In Genocide!

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Created May 10, 2024 by Ethan Groves

We are petitioning the university of lincoln to end their complicity in the palestinian genocide:

1. End all investment, business, and research partnerships with siemens, src uk, bae systems, and leonardo, which are all participating in israel’s ongoing genocide and illegal settler colonial project

2. Adhere to its own ethical investment policy, especially clause 2. 3, which states that the university will not invest in organisations which:

a. Are injurious to health

b. May threaten international stability

c. May contribute to the development and maintenance of poverty

d. Contribute to any form of illegal activity under uk law or other legal jurisdiction. 3. Commit to complete and total investment transparency

4. Ban all recruitment activity on and off-campus by defence organisations, including at the university’s careers fair and dsei defense expositions. 5. Sever all ties with the israel institute for advanced studies, including research fellowships and travel grants. 6. Introduce a scholarship programme for palestinian international students

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