Michaels Right to Special Education

233 Signatures | Sign Now

Created May 13, 2011 by Bernadette


Michael Singleton is 13 years old and has Autism.

He is currently educated in in autism unit within a mainstream primary school and has received special education since nursery school.

This year, Michael will be starting secondary school and West Lothian Council Education Authority have REFUSED him a place within an autism unit.

He is to attend mainstream high school. He has also lost his school transport provision and his parents are now responsible for getting him to and from school, paying all costs incurred.

Michael's safety will be at risk if this decision is upheld.

He cannot cope in a mainstream environment and cannot transport himself to and from school on the service bus each day.Please sign this petition if you think Michael has the right to an education tailored to his needs.

There are currently 233 signatures for this petition: