Save your local Pub ask for fair prices

5 Signatures | Sign Now

Created January 28, 2009 by James


Open letter to all major British Breweries

As costs go through the roof and pubs are closing all over Scotland.
Their beer prices are going up just at a time when they would like to give the best price to their customers.

All they want is fair prices from their suppliers so they can keep prices as low and fair as possible.

How can supermarkets and some pub chains be selling beer at 7.5 times less than the cost price to our local pub?

Please big brewers can you give our local pubs more HELP? More discount (like the big boys) and better pricing so real people like me can enjoy going out to our local more often

We love your product but sometimes it is much better to drink it with friends at the pub than sit at home.
It can cost up to 10 times as much to drink in the pub and we can?t afford to do it as much as we would like.

You wonder how pubs are closing?

We are the customers of small local pubs and clubs and we do not want to see more closing so please can you look again at your pricing to small business who provide a great service to local communities?

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