
1 Signature | Sign Now

Created December 6, 2014 by Fawaz Adegbite

This petition is for the sake of arsenal fans, many of us are sick and tired of the way the team have been playing recently, we are sick and tired of the same way that the team play every week, and this is only down to arsene wenger. For a team of our ability and success to have not won a trophy in nine years is atrocious. Arsene wenger has came to the club done a job with the arsenal invincible but nothing has happened after that. Ive been an arsenal fan for my whole life and seeing us play like this week in week out is heartbreaking, not being able to beat a top team is heartbreaking, not signing players that we actually need that can improve our squad is heartbreaking. This is not the arsenal that we know. We need a change at arsenal football club and we want it now.

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